The WGA and AMPTP resumed negotiations today, and it looks like things may be looking up. Both sides released a joint statement, which simply read, “The WGA and AMPTP met for bargaining today and will meet again tomorrow.” It’s a far cry from the competing narratives via press release that previous bargaining meetings resulted in. Last time the two sides met to negotiate (about a month ago), the AMPTP released its earlier proposal. The WGA clapped back, explaining that the meeting was mostly “a lecture about how good their single and only counteroffer was.” Online commentators suggested the AMPTP had released its proposal in hopes that the rank-and-file WGA membership would want to take the deal. Instead, critics called the deal “a giant nothing burger of an offer,” “ridiculous,” and “their usual laughable bullshit.” The fact that (1) both sides appear to be adhering to a press blackout, and (2) are coming back tomorrow are two very good signs of progress.